Welch Mill Canoeing and Tubing offers an ideal location for group and family outings. Even better, we offer group rates for groups renting canoes and tubes! And don’t forget to bring lunch. After your trip down the river, feel free to use our picnic area.


Canoeing Group Rates

Group rates are available for groups of TWELVE or more canoes ($2 off each rental). Reservations are required, call 1-800-657-6760 or 1-651-388-9857. Life jackets are provided.


Tubing Group Rates

Group rates for tubing are available for groups of 25 or more($1 off per tube). Reservations required, call 1-800-657-6760 or 1-651-388-9857. Life jackets are available upon request.




Glass bottles and containers, styrofoam coolers, kegs, beer bongs, and beads are NOT allowed on the river. Please help us keep the water clean by putting all trash in coolers or plastic bags.


We do not accept checks, credit cards, or check cards as payment. Please be prepared to pay with cash.

We do not accept credit or debit cards as payment. Please be prepared to pay with cash only.

When on the river, there is NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. Use the river at your own risk. At times, there may be river conditions that put restrictions on our trips. We reserve the right to refuse service.

Glass bottles and containers, styrofoam coolers, kegs, beer bongs, and beads are NOT allowed on the river. Please help us keep the water clean by putting all trash in coolers or plastic bags.

© 2017 Welch Mill | 26389 County Road 7 Blvd Welch, MN 55089 | 651-388-9857